If you’ve never had to deal with an Eviction Appeal, you probably don’t know just how much you don’t know.

The most important commodity in an Appeal is time, and too many Landlords are not careful with their time, or they have no idea just how much time is wasted with bad maneuvering in Eviction Court.

Today’s video will put you on a path to save time and money by employing some not so intuitive skills.

You will benefit from my years of practice in Landlord/Tenant law and avoid the strategies that win cases but fail and instead opt for strategies that win time and money and succeed. When you are focused on your highest benefit, you will sometimes make decisions that seem unorthodox but that will prove to be the most sensible option you never noticed on the table.

You might also like:

Video #123: The Pauper’s Appeal: Landmines for Landlords
Video #125: The CDC Eviction Moratorium Returns!
Video #126: What Landlords Must Know About Eviction Appeals

Do you need help with the eviction process, your lease, or collecting rent?

If you’re unsure about your situation, I offer a 30-minute consultation via phone or video conference to help you on your next step. There is a winning solution to every Landlord/Tenant Law conflict, and I’ve handled hundreds of them.

For just $199 we can craft a strategy personalized for you.

To book a consultation, call us at (832) 305-7694, or book your appointment online: https://lawofficeoferniegarcia.as.me/
