Generally speaking, when a guest sleeps over at your home, you have a reasonable expectation that the visit will end, and that guest will return to their home. However, sometimes when a guest is “crashing at your place for a little while.” you find yourself in the odd situation where the guest simply decides to stay. Other times, you have welcomed a person into your home, even for an extended period, but now you want them out.
As the owner of the home or the only person who signed the lease to reside there, what are your rights to demand possession from some guest of yours who doesn’t pay rent, bills, or who doesn’t contribute in any way?
Is this even a Landlord/Tenant matter? You might be surprised to find out, Yes. Not only is it a Landlord/Tenant matters, but the guest has many of the same rights of a Tenant under the Texas Property Code. If you’re in a situation like this, getting rid of a long-term guest may be a little more complicated that you may have thought at first.
How to Evict a House Guest Who Just Won’t Leave