In 1999 Napster was created and the craze to download music started. Since that time numerous other sites have sprung into action allowing users to download and share music files. The Recording Industry of America took action and began suing those that illegally downloaded music files associating the act to that of theft of a CD. However, today there are numerous sites, like iTunes, that allow legal downloads of songs. These sites are created to allow the ease of downloading music with the rightful payment to the artists.
So, what if you’re downloading from a site that does not charge to acquire that song? Chances are you’re illegally downloading music and the penalties are severe. Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted music recordings is against the law and may subject you to civil and criminal liability. A civil law suit could hold you responsible for thousands of dollars in damages. Criminal charges may leave you with a felony record, accompanied by up to five years of jail time and fines up to $250,000. So, be safe when you’re downloading music. If you have to question whether your download is legal then it’s probably not.
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